FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1.  Can anyone join the club?      Yes.  All we ask is that you are interested in gardening, participate in club activities and teams as able, and pay annual dues.

2.  How much are the annual dues?     $12/year as of October 16, 2023.   NOTE:  if you’re 80 years old or better, you are a member of the “Golden Flower Pot Level” and you don’t have to pay dues to be a member!  🙂  Just let our president or treasurer know so you can take advantage of this offer.

3.  May I still attend the club’s general meetings, even if I’m not a member (don’t join and pay dues)?     Yes, the monthly meetings are open to the public free of charge.

4.  What are the benefits of joining the club (and paying dues)?    You receive an informational membership packet which includes the bylaws of the club and other useful information, you may make motions pertaining to club affairs at any general meeting, you may attend and make motions at Executive Board meetings, request that the Board bring an item before the entire membership, receive the monthly Newsletter, vote at general meetings, participate and travel on field trips with club members, participate in our annual wreath making event, host meetings (you get to select and serve that months’ snacks and desserts) and, our most important event of the year, participate in preparing and setting up our annual Plant Sale – our primary fund raising event.  Don’t know how to do some of these things?  Don’t worry, we’ll teach you!

5.  When are the dues, well, due?    The first general meeting of the fiscal year, which is August.  However, if you decide to join in a month other than August, that’s ok, too!

6.  How do I join?   You officially join the club when you pay your first dues.  Come to one of our monthly general meetings with a check or cash and pay.  You can also attend our annual Plant Sale (in May) and join at that time.   (But, remember, you do not have to join the club to attend the meetings – they are free to the public.)  You may also print out the form at the bottom of this page, fill it out and mail it to the club’s post office.

7.  Can I join in summer when there are no regular club meetings (June-July) or if I missed the monthly general meetings?   Yes.  Please send email, leave a message or send a US Mail note and we’ll work with you.  See 11, 12 and 13 below.

8.  When and where are the general club meetings held? Garden club meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of the month, August through May (excepting December) at 1pm in the OLD Camas Community Center, 1718 SE 7th Avenue, Camas, WA 98607.  See the map on the right hand side of this web site.  Special NOTE: When the USA Thanksgiving Holiday occurs in the same week as the club’s November meeting, the club meets the week BEFORE to avoid conflict.

9.  What is this club “all about”?    🙂  Well, as one member put it “we like to dig”!  But, we also like to share our knowledge and love of gardening and the environment with others, and have fun!  For more details, please look in our “ABOUT” tab which has more details about our purpose.  Check out the tab “PAST CLUB EVENTS” to see a sampling of things we’ve done in the past.  And, look around the web site to see what we do, too.  Feel free to check out our “Facebook” page, too – “Community Garden Club of Camas Washougal”

10.  How about a little more on the history of the club?   The Garden Club was started in 1941 and was originally a men’s garden club. As the men left to go to war their wives started to take over the responsibilities of the club. In 1949 it was reorganized and federated. Years ago one had to be sponsored to become a member and there was quite a waiting list. Looking back in our scrapbooks the women were all called by their husband’s name as in Mrs. William Smith, etc. We voted in 2011 to withdraw from State and the National Federation of Garden Clubs and are now considered a private non-profit organization with over 90 members.

11.  How do I contact the club via email?    GardenClubofCamasWashougal@yahoo.com

12.   Contact via U.S. mail?   PO Box 746, Washougal, WA  98671


Application Form:
